
Find on Shopwiki

. 8.28.2009

Today, everything will be easy to get something you want to buy from home. You don’t have to go to the shop for buying some product you want. But on the internet, it can be done from your home. People seach every product via internet. There are more than thousand sites have a online stores to sell their product online.

It will be taking lot of your time for seaching from one online stores to another ones on web world. Just cut this step! I will show you the easiest and fastest way to find your product via one sites. find what you want on Shopwiki!!

What is shopwiki? Shopwiki is site where they gathering product listings directly from more than thousand online stores. One package for all online stores. It just like search engine for online stores. Find what kind of product you want to buy, search one shopwiki and select the best online stores for you. So get the transactions done.

You are a women? Shopwiki will help you to find your resources for your style.
Such as woman trends today, designers for women clothing, or figure flattering clothes for women and also you can save the earth by buying eco-fashion. You can find for your men too.
Keep your time with shopwiki and finds your right product.

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List Of Do-Follow Blogs (II)

. 8.26.2009

Today tutorial blog and blogger hack. How about last lists of do-follow blogs?do you check their blogs one by one?ho3x, if you have, now we will continue with some new list. I hope you have some more time to go with me to check this ones .

Please take your seat here the list :

1. www.adityavyas.com
2. www.pureblogging.com
3. forums.digitalpoint.com
4. www.adtechz.com
5. www.cahkontes.com
6. jameseo.com
7. www.wpthemedesigner.com
8. www.onlineearns.com
9. zacjohnson.com
10. otooo.com
11. www.memwg.com
12. www.creatingrevenueonline.com
13. www.garryconn.com
14. makmalcyber.com
15. www.adityaspeaks.com
16. blogaboutyourblog.com
17. uszzz.com
18. shrink2one.com
19. clawid.i.ph
20. garryconn.com
21. www.mariocahyadi.com
22. www.rottenbananas.com
23. topjewelry.blogspot.com
24. seolatestnews.blogspot.com
25. www.retroclix.wordpress.com
26. www.itvidya.com
27. www.blueverse.com
28. www.sphere.com
29. sandnsurf.wordpress.com
30. www.seodiva.net
31. conceptguy.co.uk
32. elementsoffishing.com
33. thbnew.earnerpoint.com
34. www.uncem.tv
35. www.erqu.us
36. friendfeed.com
37. actualtechnologydot.com
38. mapstats.blogflux.com
39. www.leighrss.com
40. from20.blogspot.com
41. www.mybloglog.com
42. technorati.com
43. www.dailydollarreport.com
44. m.digg.com
45. www.technorati.com
46. www.lessnau.com
47. seo-tips-for-u.blogspot.com
48. www.dignova.com
49. feed.feedcat.net
50. www.blog.nickpierson.com
51. mytawau.com
52. www.conceptguy.co.uk

that’s all the list and hope you enjoy this information, and if you missing the last article about do-follow list before, just click here.


i am really happy to make my blog useful for you all, keep coming and
Feel free to subscribe my article to your e-mail or feeds reader .
Happy blogging,,
See ya

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How to Change Your Header Imager Automatically

. 8.18.2009

Today tutorial blog and blogger hack. How do you feel today? ready for hack your blog now? I will write about how to make your header image always change automatically with your images. Your header image will change if you open the new page or just refresh it.
Ok, now we start to hack your template, don’t forget to backup your template to your computer (that’s so funny if you don’t know how to back up yours, don’t you?)

Now, follow these instructions:
• Go to the edit Template
• Backup first ( I say it again or you will be sorry to yourself )
• Copy these code below

<script type='text/javascript'>
var gbr= new Array()
gbr[1]="http:// yourimagehere2.png"
gbr[2]="http:// yourimagehere3.png"<
gbr[3]="http:// yourimagehere4.png"
gbr[4]="http:// yourimagehere5.png"
var random=Math.floor(5*Math.random());
document.write("#header {");
document.write(' background:url("' + gbr[random] + '") no-repeat top left;');
document.write(" }");

• And paste below this code


Now, save your template and check your blog by refreshing on your blog page.
Btw, don’t forget to change the red word with your images.

It’s done and happy blogging for you all.
Feel free to subscribe my article to your e-mail or feeds reader .
Happy blogging,,
See ya

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List Of Do-Follow Blogs (I)

. 8.10.2009

Today tutorial blog and blogger hack. Like as I said before, now we will find out some useful blog that make your blog get more linkback. I will give you more than 50 blogs with do-follow from my blogwalking to my lovely forum at digitalpoint. I will divide it to be 2 article so keep your track here.
Let’s begin with the list:

1. www.shoemoney.com
2. www.dotsauce.com
3. www.tameyourtechnology.com
4. www.tylercruz.com
5. www.thenetfool.com
6. www.olgizenullari.com
7. uberaffiliate.com
8. theuniversitykid.com
9. www.alistseo.com
10. feeds.feedburner.com
11. itsabunnylife.blogspot.com
12. seoroxascity.blogspot.com
13. www.jimkarter.com
14. animesources.blogspot.com
15. www.esidyo.com
16. dofollow001.com
17. www.buildify.com
18. digg.com
19. aboutblogcontest.blogspot.com
20. danieldumas.com
21. www.indocontest.com
22. www.theblogtoplist.com
23. www.tukangcari.info
24. www.blogcatalog.com
25. blog.milofi.com
26. www.projectwonderful.com
27. www.iearn-money.com
28. www.bloglines.com
29. upranks.com
30. erik-son.net
31. uncem.tv
32. blog.watchnshare.in
33. chokingyouth.tumblr.com
34. www.mynetfaves.com
35. www.cybercoded.net
36. www.jabbertags.com
37. www.smallwebbiz.info
38. www.altimamx.com
39. webride.org
40. www.free-template-ports.com
41. blog.nickpierson.com
42. heartnet02.wordpress.com
43. www.webtalkforums.com
44. www.webhostingtalk.com
45. www.darngoodreviews.com
46. www.seofiles.com
47. www.lidim.com
48. www.turasto.com
49. www.neseek.com
50. www.linkbuildr.com
51. www.marketing-ideas.org
52. www.5z5.com
53. www.truewebsuccess.com
54. rhyan.net

Need more?i think it’s just enough for this time, cause your time will be no short to comment at all blogs above. I just wanna give you one tips about getting linkback on blog: Don’t spend your time to much on this!!
Why?cause it will take your time much than you ever think, maybe you just keep your content still continue now on. its better than anything at all,as I know it’s proved!!

Next post I will give the rest of the lists. So keep your time to visit my blog.
Feel free to subscribe my article to your e-mail or feeds reader .
Happy blogging,,
See ya

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. 8.01.2009

Today Tutorial blog and blogger hack. Long time no see in my writing and I feel this time will be the right time to back in my daily task to give some useful information for you all my friends.

All we know that blogging still developing from now on, and so many blog appears in blogosphere. There is so many bloggger give their article for the reader especially for how to be a good or maybe be a master of blogging.

Now, I will take a journet to web and find some blog that very interesting and informative for you to learning more about blogging. Let’s see them ( I like to give you some link to their blog here). Check this lists :

• http://beautifulbeta.blogspot.com/
• http://bloggerbuster.com
• http://blogger-tricks.blogspot.com/
• http://hackosphere.blogspot.com/
• http://www.bloggerbuster.com
• http://hoctro.blogspot.com/
• http://blogger-hacked.blogspot.com/
• http://bloggingsecret.blogspot.com/
• http://hackosphere.blogspot.com/
• http://www.techblog.viveksanghi.com
• http://www.blogdoctor.me/
• http://woork.blogspot.com/
• http://belajarseo.com/
• http://www.blogbulk.com/
• http://bloggeruniversity.blogspot.com
• Blogspottutorial.com

There are so many more out there at blogosphere.just keep blogwalking and you will find more and more blog with theirs different content and different type of writing about blogging. So, feel free to check their blog and absorb more information about blogging.

That’s tutorial blog and blogger hack today, see you next time my friends.Don’t forget to see my post next about do-follow blog and I will give you more than 50 blog list with do-follow version.

Keep your track about my blog with more useful information. So, give your hand and subsribe my Feeds .
See ya’

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