Today Tutorial blog and blogger hack. We will make a float image that can be located in our blog. You can use it for advertising, Image, RSS, Link or else. You can see this example for float image at the right bottom with blue square.
It’s easy to make float image like that. Blogger who want to make space for advertise for her/him blog just follow this simple step:
- Go to your Layout
- Choose Edit HTML and Click on Expand widget Template (back up your blog first)
- Copy this code below ( you can choose the placement)
Up-Left Foat Image
<a href='http://yourlink' style='display:scroll;position: fixed; top:5px;left:5px;' title='change with your title'><img src=''/></a>
Up-Right Float image
<a href='http://yourlink' style='display:scroll;position: fixed; top:5px;right:5px;' title='change with your title'><img src=''/></a>
Bottom-Right Float Image
<a href='http://yourlink' style='display:scroll;position: fixed; bottom:5px;right:5px;' title='change with your title'><img src=''/></a>
Bottom-Left Float Image
<a href='http://yourlink' style='display:scroll;position: fixed; bottom:5px;left:5px;' title=’change with your title’><img src=''/></a>
4. Put code above <body> tag .
5. Save your Template and done
Change The red code with your link and title, the orange code with your own image or banner.
Well now you can make a space of your blog for advertise or just put an image of your photo there. It's just a simple and interesting Tutorial blog
Have a nice try..
wih maut nih...tutor nya...sip master
Makasih,,mudahan codenya bisa di aplikasikan
mantap boz...posting yang keren2 lagi ya boz... ^_^
Terimakasih masih coba mencoba
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