
Different Background for your Post

. 3.19.2009

Today tutorial blog and blogger hack. at previous article we have talked about hack post date and the result was your post date disappeared!!. Now, we will continue our hack inside our post. Maybe you have seen the Title of article today. That’s right, we will make some different background or maybe some different image background for our post.  It will be nice to see our post have different background.


If you boring with your post background, just use this hack and make your blog more colorful. You can apply these setting for your previous article too and you can remove or change it anytime :). Let’s begin our hack:


  • It is done while you write your article by use some HTML code
  • Just use a “div”  element, here the full code

Code for Changing the Color of the Post Background


<div style="background:#FFE1FF; padding:5px 8px 5px 8px;">
Your text goes here....

,,,,Put the pink code where you put on the beginning post

,,,The Orange code at the End of your post

,,,Replace the Green code by your preferred color hex value 

Code  for changing with image post background

<div style="background:url(URL address of your image) no-repeat;">
Your text goes here....

,,,Replace the Green code with your URl address of your image from image hosting (Photobucket, tinyurl. etc).



That's for tutorial blog and blogger hack today, i hope this hack will be useful for you to make your blog more attractive, if you have any question just tell me on my comment box,,Happy blogging all my friends :)


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Anonymous said...

I actually had lots of experiment with my post background. In the end, I got stuck up with white. :) anyway, it looks cleaner that way (for me). Good html tutorial though.

Orlando said...

nice tutorial

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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