
Battery Ipod Tips : As we have on Our Ipod Touch Best Buy

. 4.25.2010

Welcome to best buy ipod tips, as we have saw previous article about Ipod touch best buy. now we will continue our best buy ipod journey article with one of importance part of ipod; Battery.

Battery life is really a snag especially as traveling. You do not need to purchase expensive additional battery in support of your Ipod to continuously take pleasure in longer composition satisfaction.

Here are the most excellent Ipod tips pro its longer battery life which you will figure out for at no cost.

It hurts the eye

As much as you wanted to ensure visibly what is written on the screen of your Ipod, it has been tested with the intention of the brightness affects the battery life largely. So to prevent draining the power supply of your Ipod, if you are just listening pro music in the day, put are the brightness percentage on its lowest mark and if you are watching videos you can place the brightness to no more than 50%.

Time is up

Like the regular light on your screen, the backlight furthermore drains your battery. To replace the timer, go to your Ipod menu then pick setting and open the backlight timer selection. It is advisable to set the battery life timer to at smallest amount 20 seconds or best, turn it off as you are using Ipod in the daylight.

More than what is probable

The best tip in support of your longer battery life would be to charge it. Although it is advised to charge your Ipod for 2 hours, the most excellent way to fully charge your device is for 4 hours. There are other tips correlated to that such as do not place your charge inside a cover or its moving casing as it is still charging and charge only your Ipod when the battery life has carefully diminished.

hope tips above will help you to know deeper about your ipod part, thanks for reading our best buy ipod tips. we will meet again for next article

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